Islamic Education in the Age of Decline: After the Fall of Baghdad and Cordoba


  • Samsul Hakim STAI Al-Amin Gersik Kediri Lombok Barat NTB


decline of education, islamic education, islamic religion, collapse of baghdad and cordoba, islamic civilization


The research entitled Islamic Education in the Decline: After the Collapse of Baghdad and Cordoba aims to determine the situation and relationship between the collapse of the two Baghdads and Cordoba as centers of Islamic civilization with the decline of Islamic education so that the problem formulation that the author puts forward is: 1. Is there a relationship between the destruction Baghdad and Cordoba on the Development of Islamic Education? 2. What factors caused the decline of Islamic education after the collapse of Baghdad and Cordoba? And 3. What is the profile of the state of Islamic education during the decline? This research method uses a qualitative approach with a type of literature. Based on the data presentation and discussion, it can be concluded that: 1. The fall of Baghdad and Cordoba had a major setback in Islamic education. 2. The decline of Islamic education was caused by internal and external factors. 3. Islamic education during the decline was marked by the destruction of Islamic civilization, the disappearance of educational institutions, the destruction of the treasury of Islamic library texts, and the decline in the function of Islamic educational institutions, madrassas, and mosques.


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