About the Journal


P-ISSN: 2527-4155   |   E-ISSN Online: 2527-6557

This journal is published by the al-Amin Islamic College, Gersik, Kediri, West Lombok. This journal contains all educational and social studies. This journal is published twice a year, namely June and December. We hereby invite the editorial team to invite lecturers, researchers, educational and social community observers to contribute to submitting their scientific works, whether in the form of journals, book reviews or research reports with the following conditions: 1) Pure is an own work, not plagiarism from written works others, 2) It has never been published before, 3) The writing is 7000 to 9000 words, 4) A4 paper size (quarto), 5) 1.5pt space.

Submission of written manuscripts can be sent via email, or by registering and uploading directly. The writing outline includes the title, abstraction, keywords, content or discussion, conclusions, suggestions and Bibliography. Abstract using clear Indonesian with a length of between 150 to 300 words (no more than 1 page), and 1pt spacing. which consists of research background, research methods, analysis, and conclusions. Keywords consist of 3-5 words, can be in the form of words or phrases. Meanwhile, articles in the form of articles must use references.

The submitted manuscripts will be evaluated by the Review Team and the Al-Amin Journal Editor. The Review Team and Editor can make unilateral changes to the writing format if there is an inappropriate writing, without changing the substance.


Editorial Address:

Islamic College (STAI) al-Amin Gersik West Lombok

Address: Jl. TGH. Abdul Karim, Gersik, Kediri, West Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia