The Role of Science Village on Students' Science Literacy in Karangkajen Yogyakarta


  • Muhammad Nazal Universitas Sains Al-Qur’an (UNSIQ)
  • Sri Jumini Universitas Sains Al-Qur’an (UNSIQ)
  • Firdaus Universitas Sains Al-Qur’an (UNSIQ)


role of science villages, science literacy, students


This research aims to find out how the scientific literacy teaching and learning process is implemented in the Karangkajen Science Village, Yogyakarta. Knowing the supporting and inhibiting factors in science learning in the Karangkajen Science Village, Yogyakarta. Knowing the scientific literacy of students in the Karangkajen Science Village, Yogyakarta. This research uses a descriptive quantitative approach and field research. This research model uses an evaluation design. Data collection techniques use observation and questionnaire methods, documentation and interviews. Then the data source was obtained from interviews with resource persons, namely the chairman of the Science Village and the Science Village Mentor, then the data source was obtained from a questionnaire. The analysis technique used is descriptive statistics using percentage techniques and analysis using the discrepancy model which aims to evaluate scientific literacy learning in terms of its objectives. The research results show that the Science Village program with a scientific literacy approach visitors are able to complete tasks, and convey the results of their findings from observing, asking questions, collecting and processing data, and making associations aimed at other people. Visitors are also able to practice science learning well which has been explained and demonstrated by mentors in a fun learning atmosphere. The Science Village program with a scientific literacy approach is said to be effective, this is shown by the questionnaire results of 50% or 5 visitors answering very appropriately and 50% or 5 visitors answering appropriately. The Science Village Program with a scientific literacy approach describes the learning process conditions of science-minded visitors, with learning that is fun and enjoyable.


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