Oral Examination: Its Effectiveness and Influence on Santri's Understanding of the Subject Matter at Pondok Pesantren Nurul Haramain NWDI Narmada


  • Muh. Asroruddin STAI Al-Amin Gersik Kediri Lombok Barat NTB


oral exam, effectiveness, understanding of santri


This research aims to investigate the effectiveness and influence of oral exams on students' understanding of subject matter in the Islamic boarding school environment. The problem formulation involves questions regarding oral exam design, teacher-student interaction, motivation, active participation of students, the psychological impact of oral exams, and Islamic boarding school contextual factors. The research method uses a qualitative approach with interview techniques, observation and document analysis. In exploring the impact of oral exams, this research considered improvements in understanding, learning dynamics, differences in impact on students with different levels of speaking skills, and long-term effects. The research results highlight the importance of oral exam design that pays attention to holistic evaluation aspects, as well as teacher-student interactions that support the understanding process. Motivation and active participation of students are also proven to play a key role in increasing the positive impact of oral exams. The psychological impact of oral exams and Islamic boarding school contextual factors were also found to influence evaluation results. This research contributes to the development of more effective evaluation strategies in Islamic boarding schools, by emphasizing the important role of oral examinations as an evaluation tool that not only measures, but also influences students' overall understanding and learning.


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