Modernization: Pesantren Education from Azyumardi Azra's Perspective


  • Heru Siswanto IAI Al-Khozini Buduran, Sidoarjo


modernization, education, pesantren


Pesantren is an Islamic educational institution that has advantages both in terms of its scientific tradition and the transmission and intensity of Muslims. The rapid flow of globalization has threatened the existence of pesantren, so the idea of modernization in the pesantren environment emerged in order to answer the challenges of social transformation needs. However, many people are concerned about the idea of modernization of pesantren that is oriented to the present can affect the identity and main functions of pesantren. Meanwhile, the focus of this research is How Problems and efforts to Reformulate Institutional, Curriculum, and Methodology of Pesantren in Azyumardi Azra's Perspective? The purpose of this research is to find out the Problems and Efforts of Institutional Reformulation, Curriculum, and Methodology of Pesantren in the perspective of Azyumardi Azra. This research is useful in the development, development and improvement of scientific treasures in the dimension of Islamic education and is also useful for readers and the addition of Library Scientific Works in educational institutions. In this study using a research methodology, among others 1: Literature Review, 2. Data Source: Primary Data Source; Azyumardi Azra's works and relevant secondary sources. 3. Study Method: Descriptive Method. In conclusion, the modernization of pesantren in the form of institutions such as agriculture, fisheries or public schools within the pesantren environment has led to the deterioration of the identity of pesantren as educational institutions for Tafaqquh fi Al-Din and producing ulama'. According to Azra, pesantren must appreciate all developments that occur in the present and future so that they can still produce broad-minded ulama'. Including general sciences in the pesantren curriculum has raised the issue of how exactly to epistomologically explain empirical sciences or secular sciences systematically. According to Azyumardi Azra, the idea of orienting pesantren to the "current" curriculum needs to be reviewed because it may have a negative impact on the existence of the pesantren's main task. Azra expects that pesantren must orient the improvement of the quality of their students towards the mastery of Islamic religious sciences. The use of a strict and rigid methodology in a curriculum system that prioritizes cognitive mastery alone, according to Azra, can result in the process of forming the character and personality of students being neglected. Azra expects pesantren to maintain its methodology, namely towards the learning process, taklim and takdib so that pesantren can form students into pious Muslims.


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