Hubungan Antara Pre-Test Dengan Post Test Keterampilan Berpikir Kreatif Anak Melalui Model Pembelajan Cps Dipadu Rqa Di Raudhatul Athfal Al Amin


  • Hardian Jauhari STAI Al-Amin Gersik Kediri Lombok Barat
  • Wawan Samudera STAI Al-Amin Gersik Kediri Lombok Barat
  • Subayil STAI Al-Amin Gersik Kediri Lombok Barat
  • Shopiatun Rudiah STAI Al-Amin Gersik Kediri Lombok Barat NTB



Creative Thinking Skills, CPS combined with RQA


This study aims to determine the relationship between pre-test and post-test creative thinking skills of RA AL Amin's children through the application of the RQA learning model combined with CPS. This type of research is descriptive correlational. The sample in this study amounted to 20 students. The data was obtained based on the results of the critical thinking skills test that was tested before and after the application of CPS learning combined with RQA. This research was analyzed by using Simple Linear Regression test. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between the pre-test and the post-test of children's creative thinking skills which formed the equation Y=83,563X + 0.005, with a contribution of 76.5% so that it can be seen that there is a significant relationship between the pre-test and the post-test of creative thinking skills. children who are taught with the RQA learning model combined with CPS and are classified in the high category.


