The Nature of Lifelong Education To Instill in Elementary School Students


  • Husaen Sudrajat STAI Al-Amin Gersik Kediri Lombok Barat NTB
  • Risa Herlina Hariati SMA IT Abu Hurairah Mataram NTB



life long education, student, elementary school


One of the problems that exist in learning at school with regard to understanding what learning is is one of the reasons why students feel lazy to study either at home or at school. One problem that also contributes to the inculcation of the concept of lifelong education in students is the teacher's frequent loss of awareness to make himself a person who firmly holds the concept of life long education. The formulation of the problem is how the nature of lifelong education is to instill the concept of long-life education in elementary school children. The purpose of this research is to provide an overview of the nature of lifelong education in instilling the concept of long-life education in elementary schools. The research method used is a qualitative research type with a descriptive approach. This research was conducted at an elementary school. The results of the study show that lifelong education in the context of students has two meanings, the first is an educational process that focuses on the motivation of student members to gain continuous learning experiences. Second, lifelong education is a strong foundation for educational programs in students that lead to efforts to grow people who like to learn. Lifelong education is a principle that forms the basis of the entire organization of the existing education system. In other words, lifelong education knows no institutional boundaries and educational system programs. When a teacher wants his students to become lifelong learners. The first thing that the teacher must realize and do is make himself a lifelong learner.

