The Impact of Gadget Use on Children's Education in Duwak Hamlet, Dekatagung Village, Sangkapura Bawean


  • Ansharuddin M STAI Hasan Jufri Bawean, Indonesia
  • Ida Sofiana Putri STAI Hasan Jufri Bawean, Indonesia


Gadget, education , children


Gadgets are one of the most popular tools today, including children. The availability of a myriad of benefits in gadgets is able to attract the attention of many people. Therefore, it is important to be able to use it properly and wisely so as not to have a negative impact on its users. The role of parents in supervising, controlling and limiting the use of gadgets in children is key so that children do not necessarily use them to access negative features that can hinder children's growth and development. The purpose of this study is to find out how efforts are made by parents in supervising the use of gadgets in children and what are the impacts of using gadgets on children's education in Duwak Hamlet, Dekatagung Village. This research is a descriptive qualitative research. Data collection techniques in this study used interviews, and observation methods. While the results of this study indicate that parental supervision in the use of gadgets is carried out with several efforts, namely limiting the use of information technology in children, providing Islamic content, accompanying or supervising children in the use of technology. While the impact of gadget use on children in Duwak Hamlet is that children like to get angry, children are more individual and insensitive to the environment, lack of sleep due to too long use of gadgets, following the style of clothing and speech watched, leaving real socialization, children like to neglect prayer, children become lazy to recite the Koran.


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