The Tasks of an Islamic Boarding School in Shaping the Character of Students


  • Zainudin STIT Darussalimin NW Praya



Islamic Boarding School Curriculum, General Education Curriculum, Character Building


The purpose of this review is to find out the task of the Babussalam Tarbiyah Islamiyah Islamic Boarding School in North Lombok in Shaping the Character of Santri. The methodology used is contextual investigation. The aim of this review is the instructive foundation of Islam of a strict kind. Sources of information are individuals who are easily and in a roundabout way associated with the Dormitory. To collect this information, use several strategies in various information, in particular documentation, perceptions and encounters. Investigating information in research using the interview method in which the researcher wants a true understanding of reality, information and manifestations. In this review, we focus on two educational programs, specifically the pesantren education program and the instructional education program as a whole. used in Islamic boarding schools related to Babussalam Tarbiyah Islamiyah North Lombok with character development. The education program of the Babussalam Tarbiyah Islamiyah Islamic Boarding School in North Lombok requires students to focus on learning two educational programs, particularly the pesantren education program and the instructional education program as a whole. The material for the pesantren education plan that was instructed was obtained from the book. Strict law, monotheism, ethics and Arabic. The education program of the Babussalam Tarbiyah Islamiyah Islamic boarding school in North Lombok focuses on the education of the Qur'an, hadith and books by past researchers. Instructive material Introduced depending on the class. The pesantren education plan and the general instruction education plan were instructed at the Babussalam Tarbiyah Islamiyah Islamic Boarding School in North Lombok, in order to develop the personality of the santri.

