Muhadhoroh Activities of Santri in Improving Rhetoric at Al-Asy'ariyyah Islamic Boarding School 3 Kalibeber Wonosobo


  • Ijlal Faujzi Fadhlulloh Universitas Sains Al-Qur'an Jawa Tengah di Wonosobo


muhadhoroh, rhetoric, santri, boarding school


Pondok Pesantren Al-Asy'ariyyah 3 has made muhadhoroh an important method in developing the rhetorical skills and character of santri. This monthly activity involves all students in turn, aiming to improve public speaking skills. Through observations and interviews, muhadhoroh is proven to make a significant contribution in honing the rhetorical, mental, and public speaking skills of santri. The muhadhoroh process at Pondok Pesantren Al-Asy'ariyyah 3 is divided into preparation, implementation, and evaluation stages. In the preparation stage, students compile material and study rhetoric theory, while the implementation stage involves public displays with various themes. Evaluation is carried out to provide input and suggestions for improvement in the next muhadhoroh. Although it has great potential, some obstacles such as lack of material preparation, students' fear, and lack of interest need to be overcome. Suggestions to improve the effectiveness of muhadhoroh involve material preparation training, intensive mentoring programs, the formation of a management team, the introduction of the positive value of muhadhoroh, and the organization of public speaking events outside the boarding school. By implementing these suggestions, it is hoped that muhadhoroh can remain an effective instrument in shaping character, improving rhetorical skills, and strengthening the mentality of students at Al-Asy'ariyyah 3 Islamic Boarding School.


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