Internalization of Ukhuwah Values to the Community Through the "Layatan" Program at the BALADA Community Organization


  • Muh. Asroruddin al Jumhuri STAI Al-Amin Gersik Kediri Lombok Barat NTB



The death is something that cannot be predicted, but occurs suddenly without giving the opportunity for everyone left behind to prepare for the death, so that with such conditions, we often see sadness when it happens, even people in various places participate. and in attending funerals and other traditions that follow. The events of death and a series of traditions that exist in it make a separate bond between the people. This happened none other than because of their religious beliefs that they made a self-image of the community itself.

The BALADA Community Organization is here to answer the congregation's insistence, namely as a forum for gathering and then agreeing to hold social programs. Among the agreed programs are the service program, recitation and remembrance.

Internalization of ukhuwah values ​​to the congregation through the service program at the Banjar Layatan Dakwatul Khaer (BALADA) community organization is carried out at each stage of the service procession: Submission of kepaten information, Preparation of collection and departure of congregations to the kepaten location, funeral procession and post-funeral procession At each of these stages, the manager of the BALADA community organization instills religious moral values ​​regarding ukhuwah, namely by trying to involve every member at each stage in the event of kepaten .

